Monday, April 4, 2011


Well since starting this blog I have tried my hardest to get my friends and family to become followers. Sadly none of them will. I'm not sure if this is due to laziness or lack of interest. I would like to think it is due to laziness considering they all enjoy my work and comment on how much they like it all the time. However this is extremely annoying and unhelpful. I need followers so other people who do not know me or my work will take a look at my sites and see what I have to offer to the world of photography. Of course I am writing this blog out of pure annoyance and realize no one will ever see it but me I am sure. Oh well. This is a good place for me to vent I suppose. I just wish there was someone who was going to read it other than me.

Also I am in class right now. An 8am class mind you and I am not happy to be awake at all. :(

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